Our focus on automation
ViSoft Premium 2024 B
For an easy usage of the shower drain in fast layouts, you can select it by clicking on it in the side browser.
It will also be selected after changing its properties and clicking the “Save” button.
Update the shower drain in the sanitary layout assistant to get new layouts with the selected shower drain.
For shower drains with the object type “Linear drain shortable” you can set the width of the line drain and thus shorten it. The shortened drain can be aligned or moved.
The fully equipped and tiled room can be rotated clockwise or counterclockwise by 90 degrees.
This may be relevant for designing rooms in apartment buildings or hotels.
To use this function go to the Room-Wall Menu.
“Pipe shaft” is the new mural type in the side browser → Murals.
The pipe shaft will only be tiled on the outside, not on the inside. Its height corresponds to the walls – from floor to ceiling. After placing the pipe shaft you can change its height in the properties.
The sanitary side browser has been extended by new filters:
• Subcategory shows the sanitary article
• Type provides all sanitary accessories of the chosen subcategory
The bathtub base can be created in the lower part of the bathtub as a foot space and it can also be lit up with a LED light.
In Preferences → Defaults → Sanitary there is a checkbox for creating a bathtub base in the sanitary layouts and a possibility to select its depth and height.
Another checkbox offers the creation of a light for the bathtub base.
If these checkboxes are checked, the bathtub base and light will be created automatically by default for the sanitary layouts.
When using light templates, shadows for all lights are turned off by default.
Create a hollow in the floor to design swimming pools or some other niches.
This “Free Niche” function is available in 2D view in the tab Room → Door/Win.
The niche properties can be edited in 2D and 3D modes.
The created hollow can also be tiled. By default, it’s tiled automatically with the same tile as the floor, but the tiling can be changed by hand.
When placing a drain with the type “Flush fitting shower tray”, the floor is automatically cut out. The mounting height of the flush-fitting shower trays is limited to the height of the object.
The hole is also created automatically in the floor when placing the Flush fitting shower tray with a slope.
The hole cannot be edited, it can be moved or deleted only together with the object.
It is also possible to create a hollow in the ceiling for placing niches and windows there. Whereas the placing can only be done in 3D mode, the editing is also possible in 2D mode.
When tiling all apertures in the room, the apertures in the ceiling are not tiled by default.
The perspectives checked as favourites are automatically added to the Navigation Panel as Auto views. This allows switching between favourite perspectives in 3D very easily.
The auto views on the navigation panel are refreshed automatically when creating a sanitary layout and also when placing objects with drag& drop.
The auto views can be opened in 3D with the shortcut “Ctrl+number”.
The new “Perspectives” button at the lower toolbar allows the user to switch to 3D mode and select a viewpoint from the Explorer in the Side browser. This provides a convenient and quick method of changing viewpoints for the created project, since returning to 2D mode is by pressing the same button “Perspectives”.
All tile starting points are shown and all tile optimization points are sorted by the number of whole tiles seen from the door view.
The new function “Shower joint center” is added to the tiling optimization menu in Preferences → Tiling.
In the Tiling Optimisation Assistant the tile cuts for the shower drain are now displayed.
A new shortcut makes it easy to tile all parts of the room – niche, mural, walls, floor – together. Just use the combination of Shift + Drag&Drop in 3D to place the selected tile on desired parts.
Output plan: “Reset dimensions for all pages” is a new option to reset all dimensions in all output pages.
In Output settings > Dimensions the new setting “Show dimensions on the floor page which are closer than” makes it possible for users to set a variable value they want to use on the floor page. With this new feature the indication of unnecessary measure information is avoided.
In the Sanitary Mural window, the user can – if necessary – correct the mural size according to the adjoining walls. It is possible to select up to a maximum of 120cm distance between the sanitary mural and the wall.
New objects in plants and lights databases.
Explore tiles in Augmented Reality. A multitude of products is waiting to be discovered in real-life size.
Use your tablet or smartphone to scan a ViSion AR-barcode or QR-code and experience the project in your current real-life environment – or tile the room directly yourself. Move freely through the room and discover how changing tiles and grouts changes the atmosphere of the room.
Place objects in your room
Easily measure your room
On the scale of the plan or 1:1
Tile your room
The following new symbols are added to the Output → Symbol Library:
• Empty electricity pipe
• Thermostat
• Central conduit box
• Connection point Wired
• Underfloor heating
You have the opportunity to test ViSoft Premium 2023 with its full functionality for 30 days, free of charge. Start now!