ViSoft Premium 2024 A
In this version, some simplifications in dealing with corner angles in rooms with non-rectangular corners in Room -> Wall in 2D.
When all walls are selected, all angles within the room are shown as black dots and the current angle is highlighted orange.
When you click on the angle, it is highlighted in orange.
The highlighted angle is automatically selected and any changes made to the angles are applied to it.
In addition, an arrow near the highlighted angle indicates the direction of the wall that will be affected if this angle is changed.
There are also arrows for the previous and next angle in relation to the current angle. These arrows show in which direction the wall moves when the corresponding angles are machined.
Normally, the selected wall will be affected by the editing of the selected angle.
The arrows for the current, previous and next angle are also displayed while editing the space by dragging the current angle point.
Users can now enter a specific value for the marked angle via the keyboard.
The previous angle value is hidden.
If the angle mode is set to “90 degrees”, adjusting the marked angle automatically updates the lengths of the next two walls in the direction of the arrow and the angle between them. All other angles in the room remain the same.
In the “Free” angle mode, the size of the drawn angle is shown in the “Angle” field on the right-hand side.
If you add a wall from the beginning of the first wall, the angle between the current and the previous wall is shown with an arrow.
The angle range and the arrow are scaled according to the DPI.
To use the frameless door, open the Door/Window Wizard.
Settings for frameless doors.
Door tab:
Width, height, installation height, opening direction, general material.
Frame tab:
Activate/deactivate the frame, frame width.
Door leaf tab:
Activate/deactivate the door leaf, hinges.
Handle” tab
Enable/Disable, Type, Material.
The “All Walls” button in Tile->Lay->Tiles was renamed “All”.
The description of the button has been renamed to “Tile all active surfaces”.
With a click of the left and right mouse button on the “All” button, the “Tile Surfaces” window appears. The check boxes “Floor”, “Walls”, “Walls”, “Soffits” and “Niches” have been expanded here.
By default, “Floor” is unmarked and all other surfaces are marked.
In addition, the checkbox “Do not show again (right-click on the “All” button to access this form)” has been added, which is not activated by default.
The user can change the settings of this window by checking the required boxes each time before tiling surfaces.
If it is not necessary to change the settings every time the left mouse button is clicked, the user can tick the option “Do not show again” (Use a right click on the “All” button to access this form). With the “All” button, the current settings from the “Tile surfaces” form are adopted.
The “Tile Surfaces” window is always available when the “All” button is right-clicked, regardless of whether the “Do not show again (use right-click on the “All” button to call up this form)” checkbox is activated.
There are 2 ways to tile the floor, all walls, all reveals or all niches in the room with one action.
With the first method, right-click on the “All” button and tile the active tile with the marked elements.
The second approach uses the combination of Sidebrowser and Shift + Drag&Drop in 3D to
Walls → all walls, walls, reveals and niches are tiled with the active tile
Murals → all murals are tiled with the active tile
Soffits → all soffits are tiled with the active tile
Niches → all niches are tiled with the active tile
The niches in the ceiling are not tiled when this abbreviation is used.
The checkbox “Tile niches after creation” has been added to ViSoft System Settings → Tiling.
If “Tile niches after creation” is activated, the niche placed on the tiled wall is automatically tiled with the same tile and provided with the active edge formation.
If “Tile niches after creation” is not activated, the niche placed on the tiled wall will not be tiled:
At present, this function does not apply to the free niches. The free niches are not automatically tiled after they have been placed on the tiled wall.
When the rectangular area on the tiled wall is created in 2D and it intersects the window or niche on the wall, the reveal area is also automatically created for that window or niche.
It is therefore no longer necessary to manually create additional areas for the windows and niches.
Now the floor panels can be saved via the floor board assitant.
The saved boards are displayed in the page browser under the section “Boards”. You can simply drag and drop them onto any area in the room, be it the floor, the wall or any other surface.
The wall board can be replaced by the floor board in the room.
In this case, the entire area is re-tiled, not just a section of the wall panel.
The Object Sets tab is located in the Sanitary Browser.
A simple way to see if an object set contains all types is to see if the types are grey or black. In the case of grey, the type is not present.
Under Types you can add, remove or first use objects from a specific set of objects. Only the first element of each type is used.
To add a new object to an existing object, click Show Browser and drag and drop the objects.
To create new object sets, select any database,
click with the right mouse button in the right white area and select “Create sets”.
Tile sets:
Tilesets can be opened via the tile browser.
To add any tile to a tileset, use the Side Browser
Check visually whether tilesets are present in the database.
Greyed-out manufacturers have no tilesets.
Options to copy/paste, delete tiles.
The sanitary wall can be edited if it is selected in the explorer.
The rectangular sanitary wall for the bathtub is processed in standard mode:
The menus “Adjust wall size to adjacent walls” and “Maximum distance” have been changed to Settings-.>Default values->Sanitary added as in the sanitary wall form:
If “Correct size of wall according to adjacent walls” is activated in the preferences, after double-clicking on the bathtub with a sanitary wall in the Sani tab, the bathtub is selected and after editing, the previous sanitary wall is deleted and the new one is created.
All walls in the sanitary layouts are now created with the type “Standard walls”. This makes it easier to edit the walls, as they can be edited in standard mode:
If you double-click on any wall in Sani → Quick Layout, the Wall tab opens so that the wall can be edited or moved:
The wall created for the bathtub and shower tray in the quick layout now has the sanitary wall type. This allows these walls to be worked on in standard mode. Using the option “Adjust wall size to adjacent walls” automatically enlarges the wall to the next wall or wall and thus creates shelves.
The same applies to the manual setting of bathtubs. It is possible to automatically create an undercrossing with LED lighting.
The sanitary wall is always created in the quick layout and corrected by default (but only if the difference between the wall length and the tub length with the walling in (2*value of the extended wall) is 120 cm maximum – this is the default value for the “maximum distance” for the extended walls).
If the sanitary wall is at a greater distance from the wall and the wall is not extended.
The sanitary layout assistant can now generate the layout with the smooth shape of the bath if this is set in the settings -> Standard-> Sanitary is selected.
If a pipe shaft has been placed in the room, it remains in the project and does not overlap with other objects when creating the sanitary layout.
The pipe shaft can be placed near other objects in the fast layouts.
The rear walls are connected to the pipe shaft in the sanitary layouts if they are close to it.
If there is no shower drain system in the room, but only a drain in the corner, the shower fitting from the fitting set is positioned 5 cm from the wall.
If there is a shower drain with shower enclosure in the room, the shower fitting from the fitting set is positioned according to the placement of the shower enclosure.
Shower trays
The shower door in the Fast layout is now on the shower tray and no longer on the sanitary wall.
The wall for the shower tray is created depending on the installation height of the object:
If the installation height is e.g. 11.3 cm, The wall for the shower is created with a height of 11.8 cm (installation height +0.5 cm between wall pattern and tub floor).
For all shower trays with installation height = 0, The wall is created with a height of 0.5 mm (the number is rounded to “0” in the object properties on the right-hand side).
The shower door is only placed in the quick layout for the “Shower tray standard” and “Shower tray square” types. For all other types of shower trays, the door is skipped as standard.
Placement of corner sponge holders
The corner sponge holders are now only placed in the corner of the shower. If they do not fit in the corner, they are skipped in the quick layout.
We have made some corrections so that optimising the mural height to the tile height does not result in The Wall being too high or too low.
The wall must not protrude beyond the lower edge of the window:
The wall must not be placed lower than a flush in the sanitary facility:
The minimum height of the wall is one tile, so it is now impossible to adjust the size of the wall to the size of the floor.
If the tile is very large (e.g. 160*320), The Wall is not adjusted to the floor or the tile height, it just stays the same and is not optimised.
The wall may be enlarged upwards by a maximum of 30 cm if it may not be enlarged downwards. Otherwise (if it has to be enlarged upwards by more than 30 cm) it is not enlarged at all.
The function “Optimise wall height to the nearest wall panel areas” is now deactivated by default:
Some improvements have been made to the automatic perspectives.
The distance to the washbasin in large rooms is now limited to a maximum of 3 metres.
Offset Y is now no longer used for perspectives from non-human viewing height, instead the viewing height value is used. Accordingly, more perspectives now have the offset Y value “0”:
View of flushing, view of washbasin fitting, view of bath fitting, view of shower fitting, view of bidet fitting, sitting in the bath, sitting on the toilet, cat’s eye view from the door.
The value for the Y offset is limited to 100 in the control panel and in the perspectives.
In ViSoft System Settings -> Camera, a check box “Add selected perspectives to navigation pane” has been added. It is activated by default.
If the user does not need the preferred views in the navigation area, he can deactivate this default setting. In this case, the views in the navigation area are free, but they remain available for saving the custom views:
The check box “Automatic page orientation” has been added to the “Printing preferences” window.
The “Page Setup” button and the “Automatic Page Alignment” checkbox are now also available in Output Settings → Plan Page Settings.
Auto page orientation is a feature that selects the appropriate orientation (portrait or landscape) for each output page to save free pages and avoid splitting the pages in two.
Let’s assume you have chosen the quick space output with a scale of 1/20 and the orientation portrait. If the “Automatic page orientation” function is activated, it may happen that certain output pages are output in landscape format, because if they were aligned in portrait format, this page would be split into 2 pages.
All pages where the entire content fits on a single page with the specified scale and orientation retain the specified orientation (in this case portrait).
The check box “Automatic page orientation” is therefore used to optimise the print output.
If the user prefers to keep the same orientation for all pages, he can simply deactivate this option.
In this case, all pages are printed in portrait format if this was selected during page setup.
Or the landscape format, if the user has selected it.
In the output settings -> Frame and Logo, the check box “Draw Frame” has been added, depending on whether the output plan page is to be printed with or without a frame.
If the table “Bottom Frame Information” is marked and “Draw frame” is not marked, the page is displayed with a table and without a frame and vice versa:
If you deactivate the “Frame” check box in the drawing layers, both the table and the frame are deactivated, regardless of the output settings.
Activating the checkbox “Frame” in the drawing layers activates the frame and (or) the table, depending on the output settings.
As the paper size can only be adjusted for the custom pages, the drop-down list for selecting the custom paper size is now only available here: Custom Page → Set Custom Page Settings → Paper Size:
For other pages, the current paper size is displayed as information and corresponds to the selection in Output Settings → Schedule Page Settings → Page Setup:
A button has been added on the output page and in the Preview and Print window to publish the output plan pages as a PDF file in ViSoft 360.
Open materials in the page browser and drag them onto doors or windows.
The material can be changed to:
Door leaf
Door handle
Door hinges
The material can be different for both door handles.
Setting up the texture mapping for doors
Go to View / Material
Click on Set up surface properties
Change the settings and press OK to finish.
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